Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Famous Last Words - Week 2

I chose to make a story out of the Ramayana tale of the Ganges and while I thought that my writing for this week's storytelling was written much better, but it didn't feel like something I would write. It needed more of a touch of my writing, yet I can't figure out what to add. I think the most common story I found from browsing my peers' blogs was some sort of incorporation of the golden deer. I would like to know if this theme was caused by a prompt or if everyone found the story of the deer to be inherently interesting. The most interesting story I read was a scary mystery version of the golden deer tale. I would like to incorporate some mystery and/or horror into a story of my own.

I felt like this past week was a complete and utter blur. It certainly did not help make things better that we were short staffed for each of my shifts at Couch.

This weekend was my first football game as a student and not a member of the Pride of Oklahoma Marching Band. I thought my band friends did outstanding, and the football was great, too. I'm not so certain that I like sitting among the student section. I don't miss rehearsals, but it just feels wrong to not be behind the band. I hope I can get to the stadium early enough to do that against Tennessee.

Outside of school:
I absolutely need to buckle down about getting my admissions exam out of the way for optometry school. I put way too much on my plate over the summer with the classes and work I was doing. Because of that awfulness, I never got around to taking the test and now I have to figure out a way to take it before Christmas hopefully. Wish me luck.


  1. I know what you mean about writing something (especially for a class/on a given topic) that doesn't feel like what "you" would write. But, I think this sort of thing can be very helpful for developing your skills as a writer; it's like you learn and develop new perspectives and techniques which, even if you don't use them later, help you figure out what works and what doesn't in writing. A mystery/horror angle sounds very interesting, and could work well with these stories. Maybe you can do that for your Storybook project.

    Good luck on your optometry thing.. I'm graduating this year too and I don't really have any idea what I'm going to do afterwards, so at least you're ahead of me in figuring life out!

  2. I know exactly what you mean about buckling down and prioritizing. I feel like I did the exact same thing this summer. I overloaded myself and now I'm struggling to keep it all together this semester. I know I need to get myself together before I feel even worse next semester. Haha. Good luck on all your optometry stuff though! You got this Jeremy!

  3. Hi Jeremy, I think it’s really cool that you were part of the OU band, it is probably really hype sitting with your band friends and playing music as loud as you can. I personally have not been to a game to watch from the student section so I am not sure if it would fun or not. Other than that good luck with your classes and work!

  4. I understand your issue with finding that missing link in your writing. I’m a Professional Writing major, so I’ve spent a long time searching for my voice and I still don’t know if I’ve found it. It’s just important to write what you want to write and what you want to read. As for your shifts, I get that short-staffed-ness sucks majorly. My job is always understaffed and it kills me. I bet it does feel weird not sitting with the band. I did marching band in high school but not in college, so I sort of know that feel. It’s always jarring to do something for so long and be defined by it and then it’s not longer there.

  5. Jeremy, I can't imagine how busy you must be! I have enough trouble balancing school and sleeping, you must be some kind of superman to add band and another job to the mix! And optometry! Wow, you are one dedicated cookie. I really enjoy all of your stories and I just wanted to tell you that you have really improved over the semester and you have been doing a great job! Good luck!

  6. Hello again! I chose to comment on your famous last words for my second post since I have already read your introduction! I always love going back to the really early posts and seeing what everyone was thinking about the course at the time and then kind of comparing it to the more recent thoughts. I really enjoyed reading about your experience on the second week and hope everything is going well!
